
Proceedings Abstracts of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Grounding Topic Models with Knowledge Bases / 1578
Zhiting Hu, Gang Luo, Mrinmaya Sachan, Eric Xing, Zaiqing Nie

Topic models represent latent topics as probability distributions over words which can be hard to interpret due to the lack of grounded semantics. In this paper, we propose a structured topic representation based on an entity taxonomy from a knowledge base. A probabilistic model is developed to infer both hidden topics and entities from text corpora. Each topic is equipped with a random walk over the entity hierarchy to extract semantically grounded and coherent themes. Accurate entity modeling is achieved by leveraging rich textual features from the knowledge base. Experiments show significant superiority of our approach in topic perplexity and key entity identification, indicating potentials of the grounded modeling for semantic extraction and language understanding applications.