Authors' code of conduct (inspired by AAMAS policies on publication ethics)

Anyone who is submitting a paper to IJCAI via the submission system certifies on behalf of all authors that:

1. the submitted paper is original, anyone who substantially contributed to the paper is an author, anyone who is an author has made substantial intellectual contributions to the work described in the paper and/or has participated in the drafting/writing of the paper.

2. all authors are aware that the paper has been submitted for publication, and take responsibility for these conditions.

3. if the paper is a resubmission of paper rejected within the last twelve months, all typos and other factual errors identified by previous reviewers have been fixed.

4. the work described in the submission is not currently under review at any other publication archival venue, and it will not be submitted to another archival venue unless it has been rejected or withdrawn from IJCAI. Making the work available as a technical report or on is permitted, since it does not constitute prior publication.

5. any prior publications on which this work is based are documented appropriately in the paper. No portion of previous work should be included in a way that makes the previous work to appear as new work.

6. the submitted paper respects the intellectual property rights of others and is plagiarism-free. Plagiarism occurs when the submitted paper contains verbatim copying, near-verbatim copying, or intentionally paraphrasing portions of another paper without citing the source, copying elements of another paper, such as equations or illustrations that are not common knowledge, verbatim copying portions of another paper with citing but not clearly marking the text copied and/or not citing the source correctly. The only case where copying will not be considered as plagiarism is when copying basic definitions from another paper sharing authors with the submitted paper.

7. all authors are aware of possible ethical issues and appropriate approvals have been obtained by ethical bodies whenever needed.

8. if the paper is accepted, all funding for the work, if any, will be acknowledged in the camera ready version.

9. all authors abide by the principles of good scientific conduct: honesty, transparency and accountability.