Information about previous IJCAI Conferences and Proceedings:

  • IJCAI-24:Jeju, South Korea
  • IJCAI-23:Macao, P.R.China
  • IJCAI-22:Vienna,  Austria
  • IJCAI-21:Virtual, Montreal
  • IJCAI-20:Virtual, Japan
  • IJCAI-19:Macao. P.R. China
  • IJCAI-18:Stockholm, Sweden
  • IJCAI-17:Melbourne, Australia
  • IJCAI-16::New York City, New York, USA
  • IJCAI-15:: Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • IJCAI-13:: Beijing, China
  • IJCAI-11: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
  • IJCAI-09: Pasadena, California, USA
  • IJCAI-07:Hyderabad, India
  • IJCAI-05: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
  • IJCAI-03: Acapulco, Mexico
  • IJCAI-01: Seattle, Washington, USA
  • IJCAI-99: Stockholm, Sweden
  • IJCAI-97: Nagoya, Japan
  • IJCAI-95: Montreal, Canada
  • IJCAI-93: Chambery, France
  • IJCAI-91: Sydney, Australia
  • IJCAI-89: Detroit, Michigan, USA
  • IJCAI-87: Milan, Italy
  • IJCAI-85: Los Angeles, California, USA
  • IJCAI-83: Karlsruhe, Germany
  • IJCAI-81: Vancouver, Canada
  • IJCAI-79: Tokyo, Japan
  • IJCAI-77: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
  • IJCAI-75: Tbilisi, Georgia
  • IJCAI-73: Stanford, California, USA
  • IJCAI-71: London, England
  • IJCAI-69: Washington, D.C., USA


    The proceedings of the IJCAI conferences constitute one of the primary archival sources for literature on artificial intelligence. In the past, hard copies were available through Morgan Kaufmann Publishers and through AAAI Press. Since 2017, IJCAI is the sole publisher of its own Proceedings which are avaialble in online version only and free of charge.

    All past IJCAI Proceedings are also available online here: Past Proceedings free of charge!

    You can publish any version of the paper published at IJCAI, IF a reference and a link to the copyright holder (IJCAI Organization) are clearly visible .
    Printed Proceedings are available for purchase through Curran Associates.