Modeling Source Syntax and Semantics for Neural AMR Parsing

Modeling Source Syntax and Semantics for Neural AMR Parsing

DongLai Ge, Junhui Li, Muhua Zhu, Shoushan Li

Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 4975-4981.

Sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) approaches formalize Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) parsing as a translation task from a source sentence to a target AMR graph. However, previous studies generally model a source sentence as a word sequence but ignore the inherent syntactic and semantic information in the sentence. In this paper, we propose two effective approaches to explicitly modeling source syntax and semantics into neural seq2seq AMR parsing. The first approach linearizes source syntactic and semantic structure into a mixed sequence of words, syntactic labels, and semantic labels, while in the second approach we propose a syntactic and semantic structure-aware encoding scheme through a self-attentive model to explicitly capture syntactic and semantic relations between words. Experimental results on an English benchmark dataset show that our two approaches achieve significant improvement of 3.1% and 3.4% F1 scores over a strong seq2seq baseline.
Natural Language Processing: Natural Language Semantics
Natural Language Processing: Tagging, chunking, and parsing