Computing Approximate Query Answers over Inconsistent Knowledge Bases

Computing Approximate Query Answers over Inconsistent Knowledge Bases

Sergio Greco, Cristian Molinaro, Irina Trubitsyna

Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 1838-1846.

Consistent query answering is a principled approach for querying inconsistent knowledge bases. It relies on the notion of a "repair", that is, a maximal consistent subset of the facts in the knowledge base. One drawback of this approach is that entire facts are deleted to resolve inconsistency, even if they may still contain useful "reliable" information. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new notion of repair allowing values within facts to be updated for restoring consistency. This more fine-grained repair primitive allows us to preserve more information in the knowledge base. We also introduce the notion of a "universal repair", which is a compact representation of all repairs. Then, we show that consistent query answering in our framework is intractable (coNP-complete). In light of this result, we develop a polynomial time approximation algorithm for computing a sound (but possibly incomplete) set of consistent query answers.
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Knowledge Representation Languages
Uncertainty in AI: Uncertainty Representations