Answer Set Programming for Judgment Aggregation

Answer Set Programming for Judgment Aggregation

Ronald de Haan, Marija Slavkovik

Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 1668-1674.

Judgment aggregation (JA) studies how to aggregate truth valuations on logically related issues. Computing the outcome of aggregation procedures is notoriously computationally hard, which is the likely reason that no implementation of them exists as of yet. However, even hard problems sometimes need to be solved. The worst-case computational complexity of answer set programming (ASP) matches that of most problems in judgment aggregation. We take advantage of this and propose a natural and modular encoding of various judgment aggregation procedures and related problems in JA into ASP. With these encodings, we achieve two results: (1) paving the way towards constructing a wide range of new benchmark instances (from JA) for answer set solving algorithms; and (2) providing an automated tool for researchers in the area of judgment aggregation.
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Knowledge Representation and Game Theory ; Social Choice
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Computational Social Choice