A Modal Characterization Theorem for a Probabilistic Fuzzy Description Logic
A Modal Characterization Theorem for a Probabilistic Fuzzy Description Logic
Paul Wild, Lutz Schröder, Dirk Pattinson, Barbara König
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 1900-1906.
The fuzzy modality probably is interpreted over probabilistic type spaces by taking expected truth values. The arising probabilistic fuzzy description logic is invariant under probabilistic bisimilarity; more informatively, it is non-expansive wrt. a suitable notion of behavioural distance. In the present paper, we provide a characterization of the expressive power of this logic based on this observation: We prove a probabilistic analogue of the classical van Benthem theorem, which states that modal logic is precisely the bisimulation-invariant fragment of first-order logic. Specifically, we show that every formula in probabilistic fuzzy first-order logic that is non-expansive wrt. behavioural distance can be approximated by concepts of bounded rank in probabilistic fuzzy description logic.
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