Probabilistic Strategy Logic
Probabilistic Strategy Logic
Benjamin Aminof, Marta Kwiatkowska, Bastien Maubert, Aniello Murano, Sasha Rubin
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 32-38.
We introduce Probabilistic Strategy Logic, an extension of Strategy Logic for
stochastic systems. The logic has probabilistic terms that allow it to express
many standard solution concepts, such as Nash equilibria in randomised
strategies, as well as constraints on probabilities, such as independence. We
study the model-checking problem for agents with perfect- and imperfect-recall.
The former is undecidable, while the latter is decidable in space exponential
in the system and triple-exponential in the formula. We identify a natural
fragment of the logic, in which every temporal operator is immediately preceded
by a probabilistic operator, and show that it is decidable in space exponential
in the system and the formula, and double-exponential in the nesting depth of
the probabilistic terms. Taking a fixed nesting depth, this gives a fragment
that still captures many standard solution concepts, and is decidable in
exponential space.
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Formal Verification, Validation and Synthesis