VulSniper: Focus Your Attention to Shoot Fine-Grained Vulnerabilities
VulSniper: Focus Your Attention to Shoot Fine-Grained Vulnerabilities
Xu Duan, Jingzheng Wu, Shouling Ji, Zhiqing Rui, Tianyue Luo, Mutian Yang, Yanjun Wu
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 4665-4671.
With the explosive development of information technology, vulnerabilities have become one of the major threats to computer security. Most vulnerabilities with similar patterns can be detected effectively by static analysis methods. However, some vulnerable and non-vulnerable code is hardly distinguishable, resulting in low detection accuracy. In this paper, we define the accurate identification of vulnerabilities in similar code as a fine-grained vulnerability detection problem. We propose VulSniper which is designed to detect fine-grained vulnerabilities more effectively. In VulSniper, attention mechanism is used to capture the critical features of the vulnerabilities. Especially, we use bottom-up and top-down structures to learn the attention weights of different areas of the program. Moreover, in order to fully extract the semantic features of the program, we generate the code property graph, design a 144-dimensional vector to describe the relation between the nodes, and finally encode the program as a feature tensor. VulSniper achieves F1-scores of 80.6% and 73.3% on the two benchmark datasets, the SARD Buffer Error dataset and the SARD Resource Management Error dataset respectively, which are significantly higher than those of the state-of-the-art methods.
Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications: Security and Privacy
Machine Learning Applications: Applications of Supervised Learning