A Unified Model for Financial Event Classification, Detection and Summarization

A Unified Model for Financial Event Classification, Detection and Summarization

Quanzhi Li, Qiong Zhang

Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Special Track on AI in FinTech. Pages 4668-4674. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2020/644

There is massive amount of news on financial events every day. In this paper, we present a unified model for detecting, classifying and summarizing financial events. This model exploits a multi-task learning approach, in which a pre-trained BERT model is used to encode the news articles, and the encoded information are shared by event type classification, detection and summarization tasks. For event summarization, we use a Transformer structure as the decoder. In addition to the input document encoded by BERT, the decoder also utilizes the predicted event type and cluster information, so that it can focus on the specific aspects of the event when generating summary. Our experiments show that our approach outperforms other methods.
Foundation for AI in FinTech: Data mining and knowledge discovery for FinTech
Foundation for AI in FinTech: Computational intelligence for FinTech