A Gamified Assessment Platform for Predicting the Risk of Dementia +Parkinson’s disease (DPD) Co-Morbidity
A Gamified Assessment Platform for Predicting the Risk of Dementia +Parkinson’s disease (DPD) Co-Morbidity
Zhiwei Zeng, Hongchao Jiang, Yanci Zhang, Zhiqi Shen, Jun Ji, Martin J. Mckeown, Jing Jih Chin, Cyril Leung, Chunyan Miao
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Demos. Pages 5297-5299.
Population aging is becoming an increasingly important issue around the world. As people live longer, they also tend to suffer from more challenging medical conditions. Currently, there is a lack of a holistic technology-powered solution for providing quality care at affordable cost to patients suffering from co-morbidity. In this paper, we demonstrate a novel AI-powered solution to provide early detection of the onset of Dementia + Parkinson's disease (DPD) co-morbidity, a condition which severely limits a senior's ability to live actively and independently. We investigate useful in-game behaviour markers which can support machine learning-based predictive analytics on seniors' risk of developing DPD co-morbidity.
Machine Learning: general
Human-Computer Interactive Systems: general