School Choice with Flexible Diversity Goals and Specialized Seats

School Choice with Flexible Diversity Goals and Specialized Seats

Haris Aziz, Zhaohong Sun

Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

We present a new and rich model of school choice with flexible diversity goals and specialized seats. The model also applies to other settings such as public housing allocation with diversity objectives. Our method of expressing flexible diversity goals is also applicable to other settings in moral multi-agent decision making where competing policies need to be balanced when allocating scarce resources. For our matching model, we present a polynomial-time algorithm that satisfies desirable properties, including strategyproofness and stability under several natural subdomains of our problem. We complement the results by providing a clear understanding about what results do not extend when considering the general model.
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Economic Paradigms, Auctions and Market-Based Systems