Improving Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation with Source-side Monolingual Documents

Improving Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation with Source-side Monolingual Documents

Linqing Chen, Junhui Li, Zhengxian Gong, Xiangyu Duan, Boxing Chen, Weihua Luo, Min Zhang, Guodong Zhou

Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 3794-3800.

Document context-aware machine translation remains challenging due to the lack of large-scale document parallel corpora. To make full use of source-side monolingual documents for context-aware NMT, we propose a Pre-training approach with Global Context (PGC). In particular, we first propose a novel self-supervised pre-training task, which contains two training objectives: (1) reconstructing the original sentence from a corrupted version; (2) generating a gap sentence from its left and right neighbouring sentences. Then we design a universal model for PGC which consists of a global context encoder, a sentence encoder and a decoder, with similar architecture to typical context-aware NMT models. We evaluate the effectiveness and generality of our pre-trained PGC model by adapting it to various downstream context-aware NMT models. Detailed experimentation on four different translation tasks demonstrates that our PGC approach significantly improves the translation performance of context-aware NMT. For example, based on the state-of-the-art SAN model, we achieve an averaged improvement of 1.85 BLEU scores and 1.59 Meteor scores on the four translation tasks.
Natural Language Processing: Machine Translation