Goal Consistency: An Effective Multi-Agent Cooperative Method for Multistage Tasks

Goal Consistency: An Effective Multi-Agent Cooperative Method for Multistage Tasks

Xinning Chen, Xuan Liu, Shigeng Zhang, Bo Ding, Kenli Li

Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 172-178. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2022/25

Although multistage tasks involving multiple sequential goals are common in real-world applications, they are not fully studied in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). To accomplish a multi-stage task, agents have to achieve cooperation on different subtasks. Exploring the collaborative patterns of different subtasks and the sequence of completing the subtasks leads to an explosion in the search space, which poses great challenges to policy learning. Existing works designed for single-stage tasks where agents learn to cooperate only once usually suffer from low sample efficiency in multi-stage tasks as agents explore aimlessly. Inspired by human’s improving cooperation through goal consistency, we propose Multi-Agent Goal Consistency (MAGIC) framework to improve sample efficiency for learning in multi-stage tasks. MAGIC adopts a goal-oriented actor-critic model to learn both local and global views of goal cognition, which helps agents understand the task at the goal level so that they can conduct targeted exploration accordingly. Moreover, to improve exploration efficiency, MAGIC employs two-level goal consistency training to drive agents to formulate a consistent goal cognition. Experimental results show that MAGIC significantly improves sample efficiency and facilitates cooperation among agents compared with state-of-art MARL algorithms in several challenging multistage tasks.
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Multi-agent Learning
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: Coordination and Cooperation