Learning and Exploiting Progress States in Greedy Best-First Search
Learning and Exploiting Progress States in Greedy Best-First Search
Patrick Ferber, Liat Cohen, Jendrik Seipp, Thomas Keller
Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 4740-4746.
Previous work introduced the concept of progress
states. After expanding a progress state, a greedy
best-first search (GBFS) will only expand states
with lower heuristic values. Current methods can
identify progress states only for a single task and
only after a solution for the task has been found.
We introduce a novel approach that learns a description
logic formula characterizing all progress
states in a classical planning domain. Using the
learned formulas in a GBFS to break ties in favor
of progress states often significantly reduces the
search effort.
Search: Heuristic Search
Planning and Scheduling: Learning in Planning and Scheduling
Planning and Scheduling: Search in Planning and Scheduling
Search: Search and Machine Learning