Interactive Reinforcement Learning for Symbolic Regression from Multi-Format Human-Preference Feedbacks
Interactive Reinforcement Learning for Symbolic Regression from Multi-Format Human-Preference Feedbacks
Laure Crochepierre, Lydia Boudjeloud-Assala, Vincent Barbesant
Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Demo Track. Pages 5900-5903.
In this work, we propose an interactive platform to perform grammar-guided symbolic regression using a reinforcement learning approach from human-preference feedback. To do so, a reinforcement learning algorithm iteratively generates symbolic expressions, modeled as trajectories constrained by grammatical rules, from which a user shall elicit preferences. The interface gives the user three distinct ways of stating its preferences between multiple sampled symbolic expressions: categorizing samples, comparing pairs, and suggesting improvements to a sampled symbolic expression. Learning from preferences enables users to guide the exploration in the symbolic space toward regions that are more relevant to them. We provide a web-based interface testable on symbolic regression benchmark functions and power system data.
Machine Learning: Reinforcement Learning
Humans and AI: Human-Computer Interaction