Align, Perturb and Decouple: Toward Better Leverage of Difference Information for RSI Change Detection

Align, Perturb and Decouple: Toward Better Leverage of Difference Information for RSI Change Detection

Supeng Wang, Yuxi Li, Ming Xie, Mingmin Chi, Yabiao Wang, Chengjie Wang, Wenbing Zhu

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 1497-1505.

Change detection is a widely adopted technique in remote sense imagery (RSI) analysis in the discovery of long-term geomorphic evolution. To highlight the areas of semantic changes, previous effort mostly pays attention to learning representative feature descriptors of a single image, while the difference information is either modeled with simple difference operations or implicitly embedded via feature interactions. Nevertheless, such difference modeling can be noisy since it suffers from non-semantic changes and lacks explicit guidance from image content or context. In this paper, we revisit the importance of feature difference for change detection in RSI, and propose a series of operations to fully exploit the difference information: Alignment, Perturbation and Decoupling (APD). Firstly, alignment leverages contextual similarity to compensate for the non-semantic difference in feature space. Next, a difference module trained with semantic-wise perturbation is adopted to learn more generalized change estimators, which reversely bootstraps feature extraction and prediction. Finally, a decoupled dual-decoder structure is designed to predict semantic changes in both content-aware and content-agnostic manners. Extensive experiments are conducted on benchmarks of LEVIR-CD, WHU-CD and DSIFN-CD, demonstrating our proposed operations bring significant improvement and achieve competitive results under similar comparative conditions. Code is available at
Computer Vision: CV: Scene analysis and understanding