Automatic Truss Design with Reinforcement Learning
Automatic Truss Design with Reinforcement Learning
Weihua Du, Jinglun Zhao, Chao Yu, Xingcheng Yao, Zimeng Song, Siyang Wu, Ruifeng Luo, Zhiyuan Liu, Xianzhong Zhao, Yi Wu
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 3659-3667.
Truss layout design, namely finding a lightweight truss layout satisfying all the physical constraints, is a fundamental problem in the building industry. Generating the optimal layout is a challenging combinatorial optimization problem, which can be extremely expensive to solve by exhaustive search. Directly applying end-to-end reinforcement learning (RL) methods to truss layout design is infeasible either, since only a tiny portion of the entire layout space is valid under the physical constraints, leading to particularly sparse rewards for RL training.
In this paper, we develop AutoTruss, a two-stage framework to efficiently generate both lightweight and valid truss layouts. AutoTruss first adopts Monte Carlo tree search to discover a diverse collection of valid layouts. Then RL is applied to iteratively refine the valid solutions. We conduct experiments and ablation studies in popular truss layout design test cases in both 2D and 3D settings. AutoTruss outperforms the best-reported layouts by 25.1% in the most challenging 3D test cases, resulting in the first effective deep-RL-based approach in the truss layout design literature.
Machine Learning: ML: Applications
Machine Learning: ML: Reinforcement learning
Search: S: Combinatorial search and optimisation