Musical Voice Separation as Link Prediction: Modeling a Musical Perception Task as a Multi-Trajectory Tracking Problem

Musical Voice Separation as Link Prediction: Modeling a Musical Perception Task as a Multi-Trajectory Tracking Problem

Emmanouil Karystinaios, Francesco Foscarin, Gerhard Widmer

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 3866-3874.

This paper targets the perceptual task of separating the different interacting voices, i.e., monophonic melodic streams, in a polyphonic musical piece. We target symbolic music, where notes are explicitly encoded, and model this task as a Multi-Trajectory Tracking (MTT) problem from discrete observations, i.e., notes in a pitch-time space. Our approach builds a graph from a musical piece, by creating one node for every note, and separates the melodic trajectories by predicting a link between two notes if they are consecutive in the same voice/stream. This kind of local, greedy prediction is made possible by node embeddings created by a heterogeneous graph neural network that can capture inter- and intra-trajectory information. Furthermore, we propose a new regularization loss that encourages the output to respect the MTT premise of at most one incoming and one outgoing link for every node, favoring monophonic (voice) trajectories; this loss function might also be useful in other general MTT scenarios. Our approach does not use domain-specific heuristics, is scalable to longer sequences and a higher number of voices, and can handle complex cases such as voice inversions and overlaps. We reach new state-of-the-art results for the voice separation task on classical music of different styles. All code, data, and pretrained models are available on
Machine Learning: ML: Sequence and graph learning
Machine Learning: ML: Applications
Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications: MDA: Arts and creativity