Practical Model Reductions for Verification of Multi-Agent Systems

Practical Model Reductions for Verification of Multi-Agent Systems

Wojciech Jamroga, Yan Kim

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Demo Track. Pages 7135-7139.

Formal verification of intelligent agents is often computationally infeasible due to state-space explosion. We present a tool for reducing the impact of the explosion by means of state abstraction that is (a) easy to use and understand by non-experts, and (b) agent-based in the sense that it operates on a modular representation of the system, rather than on its huge explicit state model.
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: MAS: Engineering methods, platforms, languages and tools
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: MAS: Applications
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: MAS: Formal verification, validation and synthesis