Query Conservative Extensions in Horn Description Logics with Inverse Roles
Query Conservative Extensions in Horn Description Logics with Inverse Roles
Jean Christoph Jung, Carsten Lutz, Mauricio Martel, Thomas Schneider
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 1116-1122.
We investigate the decidability and computational complexity of query conservative extensions in Horn description logics (DLs) with inverse roles. This is more challenging than without inverse roles because characterizations in terms of unbounded homomorphisms between universal models fail, blocking the standard approach to establishing decidability. We resort to a combination of automata and mosaic techniques, proving that the problem is 2EXPTIME-complete in Horn-ALCHIF (and also in Horn-ALC and in ELI). We obtain the same upper bound for deductive conservative extensions, for which we also prove a coNEXPTIME lower bound.
Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and Logic: Automated Reasoning and Theorem Proving
Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and Logic: Computational Complexity of Reasoning
Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and Logic: Description Logics and Ontologies