Proving Semantic Properties as First-Order Satisfiability (Extended Abstract)

Proving Semantic Properties as First-Order Satisfiability (Extended Abstract)

Salvador Lucas

Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Journal track. Pages 5075-5079.

The semantics of computational systems (e.g., relational and knowledge data bases, query-answering systems, programming languages, etc.) can often be expressed as (the specification of) a logical theory Th. Queries, goals, and claims about the behavior or features of the system can be expressed as formulas φ which should be checked with respect to the intended model of Th, which is often huge or even incomputable. In this paper we show how to prove such semantic properties φ of Th by just finding a model A of Th∪{φ}∪Zφ, where Zφ is an appropriate (possibly empty) theory depending on φ only. Applications to relational and deductive databases, rewriting-based systems, logic programming, and answer set programming are discussed.
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Automated Reasoning; Tractable Languages and Knowledge compilation
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Logics for Knowledge Representation
Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications: Validation and Verification