Information Augmentation for Few-shot Node Classification

Information Augmentation for Few-shot Node Classification

Zongqian Wu, Peng Zhou, Guoqiu Wen, Yingying Wan, Junbo Ma, Debo Cheng, Xiaofeng Zhu

Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 3601-3607.

Although meta-learning and metric learning have been widely applied for few-shot node classification (FSNC), some limitations still need to be addressed, such as expensive time costs for the meta-train and difficult of exploring the complex structure inherent the graph data. To address in issues, this paper proposes a new data augmentation method to conduct FSNC on the graph data including parameter initialization and parameter fine-tuning. Specifically, parameter initialization only conducts a multi-classification task on the base classes, resulting in good generalization ability and less time cost. Parameter fine-tuning designs two data augmentation methods (i.e., support augmentation and shot augmentation) on the novel classes to generate sufficient node features so that any traditional supervised classifiers can be used to classify the query set. As a result, the proposed method is the first work of data augmentation for FSNC. Experiment results show the effectiveness and the efficiency of our proposed method, compared to state-of-the-art methods, in terms of different classification tasks.
Machine Learning: Few-shot learning
Machine Learning: Classification
Machine Learning: Convolutional Networks
Machine Learning: Semi-Supervised Learning