HOI-aware Adaptive Network for Weakly-supervised Action Segmentation
HOI-aware Adaptive Network for Weakly-supervised Action Segmentation
Runzhong Zhang, Suchen Wang, Yueqi Duan, Yansong Tang, Yue Zhang, Yap-Peng Tan
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 1722-1730.
In this paper, we propose an HOI-aware adaptive network named AdaAct for weakly-supervised action segmentation. Most existing methods learn a fixed network to predict the action of each frame with the neighboring frames. However, this would result in ambiguity when estimating similar actions, such as pouring juice and pouring coffee. To address this, we aim to exploit temporally global but spatially local human-object interactions (HOI) as video-level prior knowledge for action segmentation. The long-term HOI sequence provides crucial contextual information to distinguish ambiguous actions, where our network dynamically adapts to the given HOI sequence at test time. More specifically, we first design a video HOI encoder that extracts, selects, and integrates the most representative HOI throughout the video. Then, we propose a two-branch HyperNetwork to learn an adaptive temporal encoder, which automatically adjusts the parameters based on the HOI information of various videos on the fly. Extensive experiments on two widely-used datasets including Breakfast and 50Salads demonstrate the effectiveness of our method under different evaluation metrics.
Computer Vision: CV: Video analysis and understanding
Computer Vision: CV: Action and behavior recognition