Efficient Multi-View Inverse Rendering Using a Hybrid Differentiable Rendering Method

Efficient Multi-View Inverse Rendering Using a Hybrid Differentiable Rendering Method

Xiangyang Zhu, Yiling Pan, Bailin Deng, Bin Wang

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 1849-1857. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2023/205

Recovering the shape and appearance of real-world objects from natural 2D images is a long-standing and challenging inverse rendering problem. In this paper, we introduce a novel hybrid differentiable rendering method to efficiently reconstruct the 3D geometry and reflectance of a scene from multi-view images captured by conventional hand-held cameras. Our method follows an analysis-by-synthesis approach and consists of two phases. In the initialization phase, we use traditional SfM and MVS methods to reconstruct a virtual scene roughly matching the real scene. Then in the optimization phase, we adopt a hybrid approach to refine the geometry and reflectance, where the geometry is first optimized using an approximate differentiable rendering method, and the reflectance is optimized afterward using a physically-based differentiable rendering method. Our hybrid approach combines the efficiency of approximate methods with the high-quality results of physically-based methods. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate that our method can produce reconstructions with similar or higher quality than state-of-the-art methods while being more efficient.
Computer Vision: CV: 3D computer vision
Computer Vision: CV: Applications