Improved Algorithms for Allen's Interval Algebra by Dynamic Programming with Sublinear Partitioning
Improved Algorithms for Allen's Interval Algebra by Dynamic Programming with Sublinear Partitioning
Leif Eriksson, Victor Lagerkvist
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 1919-1926.
Allen's interval algebra is one of the most well-known calculi in qualitative temporal reasoning with numerous applications in artificial intelligence. Very recently, there has been a surge of improvements in the fine-grained complexity of NP-hard reasoning tasks in this algebra, which has improved the running time from the naive 2^O(n^2) to O*((1.0615n)^n), and even faster algorithms are known for unit intervals and the case when we a bounded number of overlapping intervals.
Despite these improvements the best known lower bound is still only 2^o(n) under the exponential-time hypothesis and major improvements in either direction seemingly require fundamental advances in computational complexity.
In this paper we propose a novel framework for solving NP-hard qualitative reasoning problems which we refer to as dynamic programming with sublinear partitioning.
Using this technique we obtain a major improvement of O*((cn/log(n))^n) for Allen's interval algebra. To demonstrate that the technique is applicable to further problem domains we apply it to a problem in qualitative spatial reasoning, the cardinal direction calculus, and solve it in O*((cn/log(n))^(2n/3)) time. Hence, not only do we significantly advance the state-of-the-art for NP-hard qualitative reasoning problems, but obtain a novel algorithmic technique that is likely applicable to many problems where 2^O(n) time algorithms are unlikely.
Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization: CSO: Constraint satisfaction
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: KRR: Qualitative, geometric, spatial, and temporal reasoning